Parent Teacher Magazine Rowan-Salisbury Schools Nov/Dec 2017 | Page 7

RSS Rounding program offers new insights to district leaders -Gwynne Shoaf, RSS Administrative Intern If you could spend just 5 minutes with Rowan-Salisbury Schools Superintendent, Dr. Lynn Moody, what would you say? Would you commend her for the growth and exciting initiatives in our schools? Would you offer new ideas on ways the district could be improved? to see facilities improved. Cafeteria workers emphasize the connection between proper nutrition and students’ ability to focus on learning. Teachers share the hands-on opportunities and projects they use to help students connect with their subjects. It is especially exciting to hear students who can clearly express how they learn best and to see them show off their progress. RSS staff and students are getting that chance through a program called 'Rounding' based on the practice of grand rounds that are common in hospitals. District leaders are divided into teams that visit schools to ask about innovative and engaging work, as well as how the district office can offer support. Following each round of visits, the teams gather back at the district office to share the information from their interviews. Principals are invited to hear the feedback from their schools and to see the sticky notes on the wall in categories like Engaging Instruction, Short-Term Improvement, and Long-Range Improvements. A new method for reaching out to schools, rounding offers members of every district- level department from transportation to finance, from child nutrition to facilities, a first-hand look into RSS classrooms. During these visits, the team divides into pairs and focuses on different parts of the school’s campus to get a wide range of opinions. Data from these visits are shared directly with the appropriate district department and will be considered as RSS leaders continue to monitor and update the strategic plan. This willingness to give everyone a voice and to work together makes it an exciting time to be a part of Rowan-Salisbury Schools. Custodians talk about how much pride they take in their work and how they would like Real-Life Problem Based Learning Fifth graders at Bostian Elementary completed a real- life Problem Based Learning project as Hurricane Irma headed towards Florida. The goal set by the students was to create a Hurricane Relief package for an individual caught in the aftermath of the storm. It had to be waterproof, light weight, sturdy and aerodynamics. Students considered wind speed and other weather conditions typical for southern Florida and the weight of the package that would be dropped from a helicopter. Students researched and brainstormed individually, collaborated with a small group to draw a design, and then built a prototype. Each package needed items essential for one's survival while waiting to be rescued. After building the prototype of the aid package, students dropped their packages off the tallest sliding board on the playground. They recorded the results and immediately decided on a strategy to modify the product so that it would not fall apart or hit the ground with such intense impact. Group members collaborated once more and adapted the package in hopes that it would work better. Let’s talk about you Call us for help in creating personal solutions for: • retirement planning • auto insurance • college funding • life insurance • home insurance • student loan solutions Daniel Potts Potts Financial Services, Inc. 121 W Council St 201 Salisbury, NC 28144 (704) 431-6669 [email protected] Finally, the real test happened when Bostian Heights Fire Department and China Grove Fire Department arrived on Friday. The Hurricane Irma Aid packages were dropped one at a time from a 40-foot ladder truck. Students watched with anticipation as they saw their product float to the ground under their handmade parachute. It was an epic event! Some projects floated more easily than others, but none of the packages busted. The fifth graders were thrilled with their success! Parent Teacher Magazine • November/December 2017 • 5