Parent Teacher Magazine Gaston County School Jan/Feb 2017 | Page 6

The Gaston County Family YMCA wants families in Gaston County to understand how families adopting healthy habits together can help reduce childhood obesity .
Resolution season is here and while the dangers of childhood obesity are well chronicled , many families need support changing their children ’ s habits with the ultimate goal of improving health . That ’ s why the Gaston County Family YMCA — a leading community-based organization dedicated to improving health — wants families to understand the dangers of childhood obesity and ways to reverse course through improved eating habits and increased physical activity .
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC ), childhood obesity has more than tripled in children and adolescents over the past 30 years . Today , obesity affects one in six children and one in three are overweight , which poses greater risks for a number of health problems such as type 2 diabetes , high blood pressure , high cholesterol and some cancers . Here in North Carolina 27.7 % of all children are considered overweight or obese , according to the CDC .
“ A family that changes together gets healthy together — building a culture of health that helps families adopt healthy habits is key to reducing childhood obesity rates ,” said Abby Isom , Afterschool and HEPA Coordinator . “ Once a family gets the proper education and support when it comes to weightrelated risks , they can work together to incorporate healthy eating habits and more physical activity and into their daily routines .
Additionally , if families don ’ t know how to get started , reaching out to your health care provider or organizations like the Y that provide support are great first steps .”
The following tips are some great ways to incorporate healthier eating habits and more physical activity and into your daily family routine :
t Eat & Drink Healthy : Make water the drink of choice ( supplemented by age-appropriate servings of low-fat milk ) and make it easy for everyone to fill half their plates with fruits and vegetables by offering two or three colorful options at every meal . Feel free to mix and match fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables to provide variety . Place a full pitcher of water on the table during meals , and allow children to pour their own water .
t Play Every Day / Go Outside : Kids should have at least an hour a day of unstructured play outside ( when possible ) and break a sweat at least three times a week by getting 20 minutes or more of vigorous physical activity . Join your children in games that get your hearts pumping and bodies moving .

Solving Childhood Obesity : A Family Affair

t Get Together : Eat as a family as frequently as possible . Involve kids in meal planning , preparation and clean up . In addition , adults should take a break from electronics and spend one-to-one time each day with their kids , enjoying one another ’ s company .
t Reduce Recreational Screen Time : Time spent in front of a television , computer , tablet , cell phone or video games should be limited to two hours or less per day . Make a family plan to reduce screen time at home ( i . e . turn off screens during meals , keep a chart , go for a walk after a meal ).
t Sleep Well : Kids and adults need to keep a regular sleep schedule ; go to bed and rise from bed within 1 hour of the same time every day . Kids are growing and need 10-12 hours of healthy sleep per night and seven to eight hours for adults .
In addition to being healthy at home , there is a need to maintain healthy habits while attending out-of-school programs . To create healthy environments for all children the Y is implementing Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Standards in our before and after school programs . Our goal is to make the healthy choice the easy choice for your child while he or she is in our care . To foster your child ’ s health , the Y strives to :
t Provide a fruit and / or vegetable at all meals and snacks . t Only provide low-fat milk and water as beverages . t Serve meals and snacks family-style . t Set limits on screen time . t Provide daily physical activity ( outdoors when possible ). t Promote and support exclusive breastfeeding for infants . t Adults model healthy food and beverage choices and active play . t Provide parent / caregiver education to encourage healthy behaviors at home .
To learn more about the Gaston County Family YMCA ’ s HEALTHY LIVING PROGRAMS , please contact Abby Isom at aisom @ gastonymca . org .
About the Gaston Family YMCA
The Y is one of the nation ’ s leading nonprofits strengthening communities through youth development , healthy living and social responsibility . Across the U . S ., 2,700 Ys engage 22 million men , women and children – regardless of age , income or background – to nurture the potential of children and teens , improve the nation ’ s health and well-being , and provide opportunities to give back and support neighbors . Anchored in more than 10,000 communities , the Y has the long-standing relationships and physical presence not just to promise , but to deliver , lasting personal and social change .

www . gastonymca . org


Healthy Eating & Physical Activity ( HEPA )

4 • January / February • Parent Teacher Magazine