Parent Survival Guide Parent Survival Guide Issue 03 (Summer) | Page 16

s alienated parents, we get confronted with questions nobody should ever have to answer. Questions oversized for our children’s minds. Questions we cannot answer in all honesty

without further sabotaging their childhood. And yet they deserve better than more lies.

So what do we say?

Nothing about such questions – or the answers they demand at the worst possible times – is easy. However, we have attempted to provide some guided answers to some of the impossible questions our readers get, and we welcome your thoughts at [email protected].

Your responses should be age appropriate. Below is a rule-of-thumb guide to prioritizing what you aim to achieve with your answer.

Pre-school children

Affirmation of your role and distraction.

Little kids will parrot statements and questions they don’t fully understand – or are stressing about. They will believe you as much as the alienating parent, so firmly put your stake in the ground as their other loving parent, and move on to a non-stressful, bonding activity.


How do we answer questions oversized for our children's minds?

16 summer 2017 PSG

Parallel Parenting

Photo credit: Agsandrew

Fielding impossible questions

Parallel parenting