Parent Magazine | Page 10

WSD Student Discipline Policy and Safe School Policy

I. Purpose The purpose of the policy is to foster a safe, positive environment for learning.

II. Prohibited Conduct & Related Discipline Prohibited conduct is forbidden at school, on school property, including school vehicles and at any school activity. A serious violation that threatens or harms a school, school property, a person connected with school or property associated with a person connected with school is forbidden regardless of where it occurs.

A. You WILL be removed from school for at least 1 year for a serious violation involving:

1. a real, look alike, or pretend firearm, or

2. explosive or flammable material. Exceptions may be made on a case by case basis

through the Superintendent's office.

B. You WILL be removed from school for:

1. possession, control, actual or threatened use of a real, look alike or pretend weapon,

explosive or noxious or flammable material;

2. the sale or distribution of a drug, controlled substance, imitation controlled substance or

drug paraphernalia;

3. using or threatening to use serious force; or

4. a serious violation of Section II.C affecting a student or staff member.

C. You MAY be removed from school for:

1. willful disobedience or violating a school or district rule;

2. defying authority;

3. disruptive behavior;

4. foul, profane, vulgar or abusive language;

5. defacing or destroying school property;

6. truancy;

7. theft;

8. posing a significant threat to the welfare, safety or morals of a student, school personnel

or the operation of the school;

9. possessing, using, controlling or being under the influence of alcohol, a drug, an

imitation drug or drug paraphernalia or misusing any substance;

10. possessing or using tobacco;

11. hazing, demeaning or assaulting someone or forcing someone to ingest a substance;

12. inappropriate exposure of body parts;

13. sexual or other harassment; or

14. gang-related attire or activity.

The decision to remove or to discipline in some other way is made by your site administrator based on all the circumstances.

D. The type and length of discipline is based on factors such as previous violations, severity of

conduct and other relevant educational concerns.

E. When appropriate, students will be placed on remedial discipline plans.

F. School personnel will use reasonable physical restraint if necessary to protect a person or

property from physical injury or to remove a violent or disruptive student.

G. If you damage or lose school property, then your official report cards, diploma and

transcripts may be withheld until payment for the damage is received or the lost property

is recovered.