Parent Magazine St. Johns November 2018 | Page 25

44 RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS by Pam Molnar S H A R E T H E W E A LT H M A K E S O M E O N E ʼ S D AY 1. Buy hot cocoa for the Salvation Army bell ringers. 1. Let someone ahead of you in line at the store. 2. Hand out $5 gift cards at the gas station, donut shop or fast food restaurant. 2. Compliment someone on their hair, clothes, nail polish, or new car. 3. Tape coins to the machines at the Laundromat or hand out boxes of detergent. 3. Ask a friend about their day and let them vent. 4. Place singles on items at the dollar store – the toy aisle might be the best place. 5. Pay for the order of the person behind you in the drive up window or toll booth. 6. Purchase a buy one get one item and share it with a friend. 7. Leave a generous tip for a small bill. We have all worked for tips at one time in our lives. 8. Buy lunch for the service man working at your house. Pizza goes a long way when there is more than one. 9. If you have an extra ticket, give it to someone who is waiting in line. 4. Give up a great parking spot to the person behind you. 5. Send a silly ecard to a friend and let them know you are thinking of them. 6. Give another parent a break. Offer to babysit while they catch up on sleep or shopping. 7. Write a hand written letter to an older family member. Show them that they are worth the time. 8. Share a word of encouragement with a parent who has his or her hands full. 9. If you have to run out to the store on a cold or rainy day, be sure to ask your neighbor if they need something. 10. Pull a shy partygoer into the conversation by asking her about herself. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE >> S T. JOHNS parent MAGAZINE | 23