Parent Magazine Flagler November 2018 | Page 7

FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT N ovember is here, which means it’s a time of year when we give thanks. It’s also the beginning of the “holiday season”, when many of us will be on the road to visit family - or have our families on the road to visit us. Everywhere I go, I strive to send the message of having an “attitude of gratitude.” I am grateful for every opportunity which has come my way over the years. Whenever a challenge arises, I believe it is another opportunity for growth. If it doesn’t go my way, then I take a few moments to reflect on what I could have done differently and if that could have changed the outcome. What motivates you when you get up in the morning? What kind of person are you? Are you a “snooze” button person or are you up a minute before the alarm even sounds? If you’re in search of motivation or inspiration, I invite you to visit one of our campuses. That’s what I do each Wednesday, and I believe by visiting our schools, sitting in on classes, talking with teachers, administrators, and students that I become a better superintendent. I give thanks for the men and women who are teaching our children. You’ve heard it before, but there is no more noble job than to be a teacher. If we want Flagler County to move forward, it will happen because of the next generation behind us and our teachers are preparing those leaders right now. I give thanks for the men and women who support Flagler Schools. Our custodial, plant services, food services, and HR professionals impact our students as much as a teacher does. We recently received word that Dave Freeman, our Director of Plant Services, and his team were able to save the district $10,000 in energy costs this past June and July compared with those same months in 2017. They’ve worked with Florida Power and Light to look at ways to further reduce costs while upgrading systems on our campuses. We understand we have to be good stewards of taxpayer money, and efforts such as this show our commitment to doing just that. Finally, I give thanks for our Flagler Schools families. You put your children on a bus, drop them off in the car-rider line, or watch them walk out the door in the morning heading to class. You expect them to return home safely some six hours later. In those hours between, you charge us with educating them, feeding them, and giving them time to exercise, play and interact with their classmates. This is a huge responsibility all of us within Flagler Schools takes with utmost seriousness. You give us great children with whom to work and we need to make them even better citizens in the 13 short years we have with them. I thank you for putting your trust in us. As I close, I hope your Thanksgiving is bountiful, and as you take time with your family you are able to give your own thanks to what is important to you. Enthusiastically Yours, JA MES TAGE R, F L AGLER S C HOOL S S UPE RIN T EN D EN T FL AGLER parent MAGAZINE | 5