Parent Magazine Flagler May 2019 | Page 13

community grow and our students become involved citizens. The PRIDE Lab (Programming, Robotics, Innovative, Design and Engineering) is where students learn Blockley, a basic computer coding language that focuses on algorithm and debugging and uses the engineering process to problem solve environmental problems. Our sixth graders explore careers that are offered in the Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs and the high schools. They do CTE standards Classroom to Career Program Our Classroom to Career flagship is a combination of agriculture and technology, with an emphasis on problem solving. We want our students to be exposed to career paths, which will ultimately help the local based projects that integrate programming, video production, and Google Suite tools. The REACH Lab (Research, Environment, Agriculture, Culinary and Health) is right next to our greenhouse and Bullpup Garden. The lab serves as a classroom for F L A G L E R parent M A G A Z I N E | 13