Parent Magazine Flagler December 2018 | Page 9

OYS T ER GAR D E N I N G Three Old Kings families will be adopting an oyster garden in their backyards in an effort to increase the reproduction of our ocean’s natural filtration system with Eastern Oysters. The Eastern Oyster population has been declining due to overfishing and water acidification. Oyster reefs provide homes for hundreds of animals, filter our water, and provide food and sustainability for humans and the predators of oysters. The final project will include a partnership with Whitney Lab where 5th grade students will help build approximately 1500 oyster host beds to be placed in the Flagler County waters. C ORA LPEL L A A choral group spreading awareness of the coral bleaching issue through music. Their “grow to love” program will include caring for a classroom plant, with a final planting project at the end of the year. Their goal is to bring awareness to the effects of coral bleaching and the solution of utilizing our natural horticulture systems to help remove the carbon footprint. OW L S IN AC T I O N C OM M U NIT Y GAR D E N PR EPO S TERO US PL AS TIC PO L LUTIO N PATRO L The goal of the project is to raise awareness of plastic pollution, reduce the utilization of single use plastic, and implement coastal clean up activities. The students have made an impact by educating the food service coordinator of Flagler County Schools on the impact of single use plastic in our landfills. To date, the Flagler County Schools has reduced the use of plastic in cafeterias by replacing polystyrene lunch trays with biodegradable recycled lunch trays (saving landfills 1.6 million trays per year), removing plastic straws and replacing utensil packets with individual utensils. Students are currently measuring how much plastic they will save the landfills with these changes. S UN S O LUTIO N Students are currently exploring the use of alternative energy sources to reduce the carbon footprint and utilize a renewable energy source with a plan to possibly build an on-campus solar panel. For more information on what OKES students are doing to make a change in our Flagler community, please contact the school at 386.517.2060. Students are currently building four community garden beds to grow vegetables.  The harvested food will be given to families that in need, "Grown by Kids 4 Kids." OW L S IN AC T I O N D U N E RE S TO RAT IO N P RO J E C T Students will be growing sea grass and planting it in areas affected by the hurricanes to protect the dunes and the animals that live in them. FL AGLER parent MAGAZINE | 7