Parent Guide Insert

Welcome Back to The J !

For your health and safety we will be following the protocol below . This protocol will override the Parent Guide when appropriate and until further guidance is received from the CDC and AZHD .
All children and those in the car must go through the screening protocol prior to children entering the facility .
Have you had close contact with or cared for someone diagnosed with COVID-19 within the last 14 days ? Have you experienced any cold or flu-like symptoms in the last 14 days ( to include fever , cough , sore throat , respiratory illness , difficulty breathing )?
-Handwashing frequently with soap and water for 20 seconds -Upon arrival and after breaks
-Before and after preparing food and drinks
-Before and after eating or handling food , or feeding children
-Before and after administering medication or ointment
-Before and after diapering
Signature of acceptance and agreement to waiver . ( Done Online )
TEMPERATURE CHECK must be lower than 100.4 .
( children entering the building ) All children must wash hands and / or use hand sanitizer before entering the building .
-Masks – all staff will be required to wear a mask while in public spaces and classrooms .
-Children are not required to wear masks .
-Teachers are trained with the most recent CDC and AZHD recommendations .
-Classrooms will promote healthy hygiene practices through lessons and examples .
-Signs are posted on everyday protective practices .
-Intense cleaning , disinfection , and ventilation .
-Items not easily cleaned , sanitized , or disinfected have been removed from the classroom .
-After using the toilet or helping a child use the bathroom
-After coming in contact with bodily fluid
-After handling animals or cleaning up animal waste
-After playing outdoors or in sand -After handling garbage
-Promoting of physical distancing ( 6 ft . apart ) -Classrooms will not be combined or share the playground at the same time
-Group activities like Shabbat will be done in individual classrooms with Zoom
-The JCC will restrict nonessential visitors , volunteers , and rental activities
-Napping and eating will be spaced out whenever possible
-Children ’ s belongings will be separated and in individually labeled storage containers