P.A.R.C. Mag Issue # 1 | Page 83

Adult Books

Children books

In this beautifully told book by the late L. E. Aristide, Chloe the Chameleon is unable to camouflage herself and is exposed to great danger. It is on her adventure she meets woodland animals that come to her rescue and they also help her to overcome her fears and gain confidence in herself. Young readers will definitely love this book. Rank: 9/10

The 4-hour work week is a detailed change your life book that emphasizes job freedom! Tim Ferriss takes you step by step and gives you options so that you can escape the rat race, one way or another. Reading this book is not only enlightening, but it connects you to the millions of others that want what you want. It is an eye-opener to the world of the "new rich!" Rank: 9/10

Lisa Nichols is back with another incredible book on how to achieve abundance in your life. Learn how to create prosperity and avoid sinking into disparity even during life's most difficult moments. Her book helps you to engage your true potential and create the life that you've always wanted by helping you to reprogram your negative thinking and behaviors. Rank:10/10

