P.A.R.C. Mag Issue # 1 | Page 72

Have you ever felt trapped, needing to burst out of your shell? Have you ever yearned for something more in your life or in your career? These thoughts keep many of us up at night, and rightfully so. We work hard. We are consistent and relied upon to get the job done. Daily, we plow through work chained to our cubicles for over 8 hours a day, seeing no real light at the end of the tunnel. An opportunity has not reared its face in our bleak existence, lacking room for growth and advancement. We deserve more. We are meant for much more than exhausting ourselves under fluorescent lights and radiant computer screens. We have more to offer. Many of us hold positions in companies that are sound but have limited room for individual development. This article is for you. This is for the person that shows up every day and consistently produces good work but feels invisible and keeps getting overlooked for promotions. This is for the person that’s right on the cusp of unlocking something great but lack the master key. For those that seek a mental cleanse from their perceived limitations keeping them from

moving forward, what’s holding you back?We want the opportunity to shine and display our gifts in a way that’s fulfilling, but one thing holds us back while we hover over the

threshold of mediocrity before jumping off the cliff of ambition; fear. Although natural, fear can be debilitating, and sometimes detrimental. Embracing the emotion of fear can have a powerful impact on your journey to success. Fear is the repellant of opportunity. The more you embrace it, the more opportunity will flee. According to the Oxford Dictionaries, fear is “an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain or a threat.” (Dictionaries) We have to muster the courage to remove our chains and unleash from the cube that keeps us physically and mentally “boxed-in” and cloaked in stagnancy while opportunities pass us by.

So where do we begin? Let’s start with two ways that will help cultivate the mindset of the titan you are destined to be.

1. Re-program your mind.

Think limitless. Cast fear to the wind. Your only limitation is your imagination. If you can merely ponder it, you can manifest it in your reality. Changing your thinking is an ongoing transformation. Consciously commit to reframing your negative thoughts into positive ones on a daily, hourly, and minutely basis.

Unleash from the Cube

Breaking the Chains of Mediocrity

by Alicia Chambers