P.A.R.C. Mag Issue # 1 | Page 27

alkaline foods by Alicia chambers

Learn how to make your body more alkaline and prevent disease.

an unprecedented amount of discipline and this journey is not for everyone.

Dr. Sebi, world re-known nutritionist, holistic healer, and master teacher recently passed away and transitioned into ancestry with his life-long message to practice a clean, electric diet and remove mucus from the body. He used herbs and roots to heal many people of incurable diseases and ailments. His focus was to promote an electric alkaline diet. Alkalinity refers to where a food falls on the pH. scale from 0 to 14. Zero to 6 represents acidity, 7 are neutral, and 8 to 14 represents alkaline. The closer your food falls on the alkaline section of the scale, the more electric the food is and the higher the positive impact on your diet. After all, we need living foods for the living bodies.

Here are a few tips for clean, electric, alkaline eating. When you have a hankering for sweets, try a handful of dates, they are super sweet and yummy. For those of us that like a crunchy salty snack, try baking seasoned kale chips, they made a great guiltless chip. For those that love French fries, try frying burro sliced bananas in coconut oil. There are much more recipes to help you transition and a plethora of information out there about electric eating. Go ahead and dip your toes in the lake of alkaline, the positive impact will leave you wanting more. Remember, before you try any diet consult with your physician or nutritionist.

Have you ever had a special affection for all things, food? Does the satisfying taste of a delectable meal provide a sense of euphoria and a pleasurable release of endorphins? This is a common feeling that resonates with "foodies" but there is a much more severe and long-term effect of eating foods that are tasty, but toxic to our bodies. There is a way to still maintain this exhilaration by eating foods that are not only delicious but gratifying to the body, mind, and soul.

Poor nutrition can have a detrimental impact on your health and longevity. Some signs of a poor diet include high blood pressure, a fragile immune system, unwanted fat or obesity, and even deteriorating mental health. There is one catalyst that is prevalent in all diseases: mucus. Mucus forms in many systems of the body such as the respiratory, digestive and reproductive systems. The mind, body, and soul all function on higher frequencies when you practice a clean diet. What do we mean by a clean diet? A clean diet is free from foods that increase your mucus production, processed foods, alcohol, wheat, deep fried foods, fast foods, sugars, excessive salts, meat, poultry, and dairy. These ingredients seem almost impossible to eradicate because they are in almost everything we consume, but the key is to read the labels, study the origins of of the food and their long-term effects. This requires an unprecedented amount of discipline and this journey is not for everyone.