Paranormal Investigator Magazine Issue I | Page 60

Paranormal Investigator Magazine of the film has shown some interesting details, such as: the mouth opens and closes, there are muscle movements in the arms and legs, and the most shocking thing of all are breasts! It appears to be a lady Bigfoot! A convincing female Bigfoot would be far more complex to fake than a male version. It just doesn’t stand to reason that in 1967 two complete amateurs could have created a biophysically intricate costume that has been kept secret for more than 40 years.  “Planet of the Apes” was made that same year. Remember what the professional Hollywood costume designers came up with for that movie? They were nothing even remotely life-like.  As tantalizing a clue the Patterson-Gimlin Film is, one cannot prove the existence of Bigfoot with a few yards of footage. There is, however, a much more intriguing piece of evidence: footprint casts.  Footprints were the origination of the modern moniker for Bigfoot and may be some of the best evidence currently catalogued.  Dr. Jeff Meldrum is a professor of Anatomy and Anthropology at Idaho State University and is an expert in foot morphology and primate locomotion. He also possesses the largest known collection of Sasquatch footprint casts in the world. He has analyzed hundreds of purported Bigfoot prints and has found startling evidence contained therein. Each of the footprint casts he has collected shows evidence of a mid-tarsal break. To us lay-people, this means the foot flexes roughly in the middle. This is dramatically different from the way human feet work; our feet flex closer to the front where our toes begin. Additionally, Dr. Meldrum has found evidence of dermal ridges in some prints. These are akin to human finger prints. These two characteristics make faking these prints virtually impossible. (The only way to do so would be to possess very advanced physiological knowledge along with an enormous budget to finance the recreation.) Logic steps in and we have no choice but to acknowledge the significance of these finds.  cussed, a picture begins to develop. Diverse and regionally appropriate historical references to Bigfoot-like creatures exist in distinct and isolated zones the world over. Modern photographic, videographic, and eyewitness’ hold some legitimate evidence once we filter through hoaxes and misidentification. Scientific analysis of footprints gives us solid and reproducible evidence of a distinct undescribed species of bi-pedal hominid. All these factors lead to the conclusion that the existence of Bigfoot is far more likely than unlikely. While only a DNA sample or a specimen, living or dead, will prove the “creature” to modern science, for this amateur, Bigfoot is the real deal.   For additional details on Dr. Meldrum’s research go to Taking into account everything we have dis— 56 — Bio for Ben Ream:   Ben Ram is 32 years old, married, and an Atlanta, Georgia native. He works as an Account Specialist with Acceptance Rentals. Ben is a former paranormal investigator and now has become a Bigfoot enthusiast and aspiring novelist.