Paranormal Investigator Magazine Issue I | Page 31

First True Paranormal Experience room.  I remember going to a farm in Nebraska one summer with my mother and sisters.  It was incredibly green, lush and beautiful where the isolated farmhouse stood alone in the countryside.  At night, my sisters and I would play with the fireflies and sleep together in the same room. The woman we were staying with didn’t have any children, and yet I saw a lot of writing on the walls, carved into the wood.  One night, I thought I heard the sound of children laughing.  I felt certain they would come out to play at night, so I made sure to stay under the covers and block them from my view.   One particular evening, a friend of my mother’s joined us for dinner and brought along a fascinating board game, called The Psychic Circle, so that they could attempt to communicate with spirits. The board was worn and grainy, appearing ancient and mystical, and I was deeply intrigued.  Although nothing remarkable transpired that evening, the friend made a gift of the board to my mother and we took it home. For years afterward, my sisters and I would use the board in every house we lived in, and eventually I began using it alone.  Strange things began to happen. Once when my uncle came over, he mocked the Psychic Circle and our belief in ghosts.  A few minutes later, a window inexplicably came down hard on his arm and our calm, affectionate cat suddenly attacked him.   Every time my older sister used the Psychic Circle, the oracle went FLYING off the board across the floor or rapidly moved in circles so fast we couldn’t possibly keep up with it. One night, my younger sister saw light orbs coming out of her mirror.  She was terrified, and although she felt threatened by it, we continued to use the Psychic Circle.  We even used it at Native American burial sites, and added to our arsenal of paranormal toys with tarot cards and pendulums.  Eventually, I ventured into witchcraft and began performing healing spells. potion bags. That night, I awoke from a horrifying dream that would haunt me for the rest of my life.  In the dream, an evil demon was holding me down by the neck, shaking his head around with a wide distorted smile, like a demented clown.  Gross, stringy white hair hung in front of his twisted face, and his eyes were a deep, endless abyss of blackness. He floated in the air directly above me, laughing with cruelty and pure darkness. There was no question that he was trying to kill me.   It seemed like it would never stop, and I was certain that I was about to die a slow, horrible death alone. I was shaking my head trying to wring him off of me, screaming in horror and crying in agony.  It was then that I awoke, but as my eyes popped open, I could only stare in sheer terror at the entity that was still floating above my body.  In horror, I realized that it was not a dream at all, and that I was being attacked by something real and otherworldly.  The demon slowly lifted away from my body and disappeared.  Afterward, I still felt a profound emptiness in the room, completely void of any light that had once been there. I continued to feel the entity around me at all times -- at school, at night, even in the bathroom while I washed my face, terrified to close my eyes for a mere second while I rinsed the soap off. There was something so heavy about the air; a density of fear and hopelessness. It was oppressive. I began praying to God in earnest for the first time in my life.  I was desperate to be saved from this, anxious for any feeling of light to come over me again, to fill me with familiar warmth.  As a person who did not grow up in a religious family, it would have been out of my comfort zone to pray, but I was desperate for God to save me. One afternoon, while taking a nap, the most interesting thing happened. I awoke to a ghost at my door dressed in red. Oddly enough, I could only see his torso and his hand on the door. The vision of the ghost The women in my family have natural medi- would fade in and fade out, like it was attemptumship abilities, and this added to the perfect ing to stay there with me. Now here is where storm. The night when it all came crashing down everything changed for me: one second I was was the second night we spent in our brand new scared that I was seeing a ghost right before home.  I was very excited to finally have my own my eyes and the next second I was completeroom, and had decorated it with spell books and ly calm, comforted and at peace as the ghost — 27 —