Paranormal Investigator Magazine Issue I | Page 10

Paranormal Investigator Magazine Touching the Other World  By Janice Tremeear LMT [email protected]  In paranormal investigating we record the odd occurrences at locations that have no explanation; creeping mists, voices calling our names, dancing lights coyly flirting just out of shot of the camera lens. In the mind of investigators these are signs of a human haunting, residual movie-like replays of a brief instance in the life of a person who’s passed or, even more exciting, the intelligent interaction with a sentient spirit. But what if there’s more to the manifestation, what if we sometimes witness something other than what was once human?  Due to the abundance of paranormal TV programs people are coming to accept the possibility of ghosts. While TV shows cannot be taken at full face value in the light of how true investigations are conducted, they have at least opened our minds to the possibility of interaction with spirits.  Some encounters are with shadow figures, not deemed ghosts; they range from animals, to children to male shaped adults, and one in particular known as the “Hat Man” sports a wide- brimmed hat similar to the one in the Exorcist movie. Then there are the others, reports of human shaped creatures, some small and gnarled, others light and delicate. Many images show winged beings glowing in front of the camera, or the squatty, dark, lumbering men with pointed hats lurking along —6—