The social worker is NOT there for you. The job of the social worker is to look after the welfare and rights of the child. They are not your friend or someone to confide in. Everything you do and say is judged on how it will impact the child. Put simply this includes your choices, life style and behaviour.

Courses and changes that you do are all with the child's benefit in mind. The social worker may say or do things that may give you the impression they are there for you but remember the focus for them is whatever the final outcome they want for the child is. This outcome may be very different from what they may be presenting to you. This important note is also directed to caregivers, until you see it stamped by a judge the focus is the child but the final outcome of the case is as yet undecided.

Social workers have more than one case, they also get to do something you cant. Clock out, go home and forget about it.