Pallavoliamo Giugno 2014 | Page 112

VITA DA STRANIERA 112 del fatto che a volte conciliare allenamenti, trasferte e lezioni è veramente da acrobati, e non puoi permetterti di saltare una lezione soltanto perché sei rientrato tardi da una gara giocata in trasferta la notte prima. Ma vivendo immersa in training and away matches is very hard and I can not miss lessons just because I.m back late from a game played the night before. Day by day living in this reality I have understood the reason why the sense of belonging develops: the institution imposes rules that must be respected and it does so with strict rules, but it is also at our service and helps us by giving the means to live the experience in the best possible way making you discover a deep sense of gratitude: one of the things they teach is to say thanks to anyone when something is done, even what might seem trivial or obvious. What at first may seem forced then becomes part of you.” In the technical staff of the USC stands the name of Tim Nollan, a celebrity in the