Paleo Magazine Express July 2014 | Page 7

My body, also, wasn’t in the right place to receive it. I didn’t do it the right way. I kept it fairly lean and low‑fat, which, I think, is a pretty big misunderstanding and that’s why I got sick, sicker. When I came full circle, and began to heal the body in other ways, and finally came to understand the Primal way of eating and living, I was like, “Oh, this makes so much more sense.” The transformation was immediate and remarkable. It did what years of other therapies and methods could not do. I was a complete convert fr om that point on. G:  Would you say it was the additional fat in the Primal philosophy that made the difference? Yes, it was the inclusion of healthy fats, which I already knew what healthy fats were. We never ate trans-fats in my home. We never ate plastic fats. We didn’t use canola oil. None of that stuff. I guess that eating moderate fat wasn’t enough for me, a person who happens to be very carb intolerant. It runs in my family. Some people can get away with more. I cannot. I know that now. What I would have to do is wean myself completely off dependency from sugar, which is really hard and not a short process, as you know. G:  Yes, wait, you can’t do it in 30 days? A 21‑day detox? I know, it’s funny. I had a long conversation last night with someone about that. It’s like, look, how old are you? At that time when I first tried to do it, I was probably 28. Now, I’m 32. You spend three decades of your life with your body adapted to burning carbohydrate first, as its preferential source. You can’t expect it, in even two months, really, to completely shift. What I did was a little controversial because I have a thyroid disease. I, working with my physician, went on the HCG protocol, which, some people say it’s horrible. Some people say it’s great. I don’t care what anyone says. I know it worked very well for me. It got me to a place where I was able to adopt a more Ketogenic style diet and a Primal diet. My body accepted it. I truly believe that had I not done that first, where I completely forced the body into understanding how to use fat as a source of fuel, which is essentially what HCG does. It resets the thalamus, which is what I needed to do. I don’t think I would have been as successful as easily because it was like when I went to Primal after HCG, it was literally like a light switch. It was unbelievable. G:  That’s a great story. It’s not uncommon. I’ve heard it, again and again, last night, I was discussing this at a Permacultural conference. People who had tried Paleo, and gone the wrong direction, and didn’t understand it. I got a bazillion questions. It’s because it’s confusing, right now with some saying legumes and dairy is ok on a regular basis, which doesn’t work for most people at all. Anytime the market reaches a point of saturation, you have larger quantity, which means we have dilution of quality. You know that too, with your old job. You’re going to have a lot of crap. You’re going to have a lot of great stuff. For a lot of people, it’s Subscribe at: really hard to parse it out. Even for experts, it’s hard to parse it out. I didn’t believe in the Paleo/Primal thing because there was a lot of things about it that really annoyed me and still do in the sense that people put a lot of misinformation out there. I was secretly, unconsciously, in a place of resistance about it. If you try, and go, and adopt a new lifestyle when you’re in a place of conscious or unconscious resistance, your body is going to resist it. That is a given fact. I think that it was, really no two ways about it, it wasn’t going to resonant with me when I was not in resonance with the concept. When I became open to the concept, I’ll tell you, I was terrified to eat that much fat. Terrified. Gary:  I have found through my experience when working with clients, when it comes to increasing fat consumption, that is not an uncommon feeling. That is why I always say get the right information from the right people and the message becomes very clear and easy to understand. Especially as a woman. That’s the last thing I wanted. I’m like, “God, what if all this pain I went through on HCG and all this fat I just lost, comes back?” Given my job, obviously, I’m on camera. It’s important to me. I was very fearful but it worked. What I always tell people is, “It comes with experience on being able to separate the junk from the good as far as information.” I tell people, “The only reason I can find answers on certain topics in my genre is because I know what I’m looking for.” If you don’t know what you’re looking for on a topic like this (Paleo/Primal) it gets really confusing, really quickly. You end up on 10 different sites, with 10 different people telling you 10 different things, with 10 different backgrounds. Then you’re like, “Well, which direction do I go?” Then you’ve got all the message boards, which are good and bad. I’ve been pointed to some great information from them. They’ve made me think about a lot of things but sometimes, more times than not, there’s a lot of garbage to wade through that can become very anxiety inducing and confusing. I think you really just have to listen to your body. Also, make sure that you’re well informed. You seek the right advice from knowledgeable people. That’s the way to do it. G:  You’re still pretty athletic. I’m always asking people who are athletic, what difference did you see in the performance once you made that conversion over to a more Primal lifestyle. The most noticeable change was this profound increase in energy. It was just like, “Oh my God, I’ve been living without this my whole life? What was I thinking?” Even when I thought that I had energy, I always had energy problems. I always was in pain that chronic, low‑grade inflammation. In the most profound remarkable way, it was so exciting. I actually overdid it, as some people probably do because I’m like, “I have all this energy. I’m going to work out like a maniac.” Then I created all sorts of sleep cycle problems, but you have to reign that in. July 2014 eNewsletter 7