Paintings-1 Jul. 2015 | Page 5

Add a littOnce upon a time a little boy lived in a little village. He was called Little Cherry because he loved cherries. He had a little house, many trees and a happy cockerel. His mum loved him the most because he was the youngest and he was the only boy in a large family with 12 girls. One day his mum asked Little Cherry to go to fair and sell their cow. They were poor and they needed money. They both were really sad because they loved their cow very much. Little Cherry was on his way to the fair when he met an old man. "What a nice cow!" he said. "Give it to me, Little Cherry, and I will take good care of it!" "Will you, good old man?" asked Little Cherry hopefully. "I love her so much!" he sighed. "Don't worry, my boy," the old man retorted. "I am a good farmer and I love animals!" "But mum is waiting for money," Little Cherry suddenly remembered. "Money?" the old man whispered. "I haven't got any money. But I have got something better," he smiled. "Look!" the old man said. "I can give you this little cherry tree. It can be your new friend." "But I must give my mom some money for bread," Little Cherry thought. "Well, then," the old man asked. "What do you choose - money or a new friend?" "I think I will choose my little new friend," Little Cherry decided. "My mum has always told me that friends are more important than money!" Little Cherry smiled. "Little Cherry, what have you done?" mum cried. "I know you like cherries, but you did something wrong. Now we have no money for bread and no cow!" mum sobbed. 'Oh, mum. I am so sorry," Little Cherry burst into tears. Late that night a sad Little Cherry was planting a little cherry tree, his friend, in his mother's garden. It was late in the night. All in the house were sleeping, even the happy cockerel. The moon rose merrily in the sky. She saw the golden love of Little Cherrish' mother glistening on the tears on her cheeks. She also saw the golden love of the little boy for all his family in the tears on his cheeks. So the moon gathered the golden love in its rays and overflowed over the little cherry tree in the garden. The little cherry tree started to grow hastily and his branches filled with golden cherries. In the morning the cherries in the cherry tree were so big! And they were golden! When Little Cherry came to see his little friend in the garden ... WHAT A JOY! "Mum, come and see my little friend!" Little Cherry shouted. When mother arrived in the garden, the golden cherries sparkled in the sun. "I wish I were a better person!" mum said. "Like you, my dear son!" Since that day they have never suffered from hunger. They started a long party ... So long .. that they are still dancing now. All of them ... Mother and father and the twelve sisters ... And the little cockerel ... And all the animals on the farm ... And even us ... The students in 3A class...