PaintballX3 Magazine 2013 Oklahoma D-Day Special Edition | Page 98

OKLAHOMA D-DAY, SPECIAL EDITION 2013 What makes the night game so much fun is the deprivation of visual information. There was little light from the first quarter moon and it was difficult to get any visual cues. It keeps you on alert when someone could walk up to a unit without them being challenge and barrel-tag several players. road on the east side. The random, bright white parachute flares made the timing of our movements critical. You don’t want to be out in the open when one of those lights up the sky. Many times players are caught off guard when the flares lit up the field and were sent scurrying for cover like roaches. I made it to the other side and was able to My unit, the 505th of 82nd Airborne was radio back my position. I then was able to tasked with defending the northeast quaddirect our fire towards the enemy, greatly rant of the city. reducing friendly fire and allowing more allies to cross the road to my position. With In first portion of the game, there seemed to constant radio communication we were be little advance or retreat from either army. able to move along the east boundary and Halfway through the game, the allied army hold it. About an hour and a half into the was slowly advancing over the berms of the game the allies had managed to control city and into the surrounding field. It was most of the field. The last German strongabout that time I risked running across the hold was the church. 98 paintbal