Paintball Magazine June 2018 | Page 129

Battle tanks are taking the tank roads wiping out players and encampments of players, until a rocket launcher takes them out. But listening to the players in these amazing tanks leaves a chill up your spine as if these grown men are reverting to their child-like years. At the beginning of the battle, is a ship landing zone where teams must wait for the doors to drop and storm the beaches to work their way to Monte Cassino. final battles, and didn’t stop… it brings out the best in every player, and makes those less experienced much better playing alongside some legends of the sport. During briefing Joe stated, “We are a family friendly field and have seen several players grow up at the field and go on to bring their kids back to play.” Safety is of the utmost importance to Joe and his family, he says “If you cannot play safe, you cannot play here,” This field is well thought-out and designed This is what makes the sport incredible, for two days of almost nonstop battles… the people like the Schnelten Family and their intensity from the very start was like most staff! 0129