Paintball Magazine July 2018 Issue | Page 60

( where they inducted a couple individuals into the Paintball Hall of Fame . They then gave their opening speeches and let the generals hype up their teams . General Connor Mackenzie , call sign : The Werewolf and Veteran Militia member for the blue side went first , followed by William “ Mad Frog ” Crook - The Red Dragon for the red side and seasoned veteran in the paintball game .
The game got off to a great start . I followed a bachelor party for the first hour , shooting photos for them . Much of the action was focused on what players were calling “ the grinder ,” an open part of the field connected by a bridge and a small river . The blue side tried to push the red team multiple times but ran directly into a hailstorm of paint .
After a bit I switched sides , covering the blue team . Their spirits were low but they were battling hard . Not giving up they pushed the north side of the field and were able to score multiple points in this area . The red team had a high scoring start by lunch time though it seems though it would be a very uneven match .
During lunch the team The Collective switched from the red side and took their entire forces to the blue side to help even out the teams . In doing so you could see a shift in dynamics . Blue started scoring points and holding locations a lot easier . The end of the day grew near and games finally finished . The score of who was ahead at the end of Saturday was a secret to me but the night wasn ’ t over . We stuck around to have a few drinks and to hang with the players and media . We had lots of great laughs . The DJ kept playing great music ,
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