Pageant Platform Premiere Issue | Page 9

Pageant Platform Magazine had the chance to catch up with former Miss Singapore, Genecia Alluora.

She shared some excellent tips for choosing and building your platform and she serves as a great example of what you can do after you stop competing and enter a new industry. Here's what she had to say.....

PP: Our Readers would love to know a little bit about what you do?

GA: I run this platform called Soul Rich Woman and our mission is to empower women to achieve their Ambitions. My greater good is in providing women entrepreneurs a better, inclusive community that supports every step of their entrepreneurial journey. Success isn’t just about money, but being responsible and doing public good in your own community. I am one of the mentors and I try to give as much value as possible to our entrepreneurial members in the different aspects of their lives. Whether it's health, wealth, personal well-being, we basically want to help women fast track their success. Everyone in the community knows the importance of aiming higher and realizing their dreams. It's not just about building up profitable online businesses but allowing women to have a fabulous life of financial Independence and freedom. Alone we are strong. Together, we are unstoppable.

PP: You are a former Miss Singapore. What was your platform in the industry, was it to help women business owners?

GA: When I first started in pageantry, I was an occupational therapist by profession. Back then my platform was to help people through my work with occupational therapy. We wanted to be able to start programs to help community outreach to integrate people back into society. It was through pageants that doors opened for so many experiences, so many wonderful moments in my life and eventually that is why I started to do my own image consulting business. My clientele were CEOs, decision-makers and politicians as well. So that really change my life.

PP: What do you feel from the pageant industry helped you the most into making the transition into Soul Rich Woman?

GA: First, let me explain who I am. I am an extremely driven person who's focused, who's delivered results to make a difference in the life of others. I do this by helping other women to efficiently attain their goals with their business or their life and to live the life they've always wanted. Despite being a decorated beauty pageant titlist and now a business owner, my own road to success has been a bumpy one. I want to inspire women: “Because of you, I didn’t give up.”

I want to make sure that other women entrepreneurs won't have it as hard as I did by sharing my knowledge and help them. The transition has not been easy, Beauty is a double-edged sword. During the season when I was a beauty queen I was a TV host, radio DJ, I had multiple exposures. I was on the cover of magazines, it was awesome.