Pagan Forest Magazine July/August 2014 | Page 8

Featured Animal: Wolf

The Pagan Gamer


Wolves are beautiful creatures, representing loyalty and intelligence. But what else do they mean? Wolves generally have to do with cooperation, leadership, and friendliness. Cleverness, generosity, and compassion are often other things associated with the wolf and are a good indication of a people-person. Finally, the Wolf is a symbol of deep faith and high intelligence.

Historically, wolves were said to be with Romulus and Remus, the founders of Rome. In fact, the two men were even fabled to have been raised and suckled by a she-wolf! Norsemen believed the wolf was a symbol of victory when ridden by Odin or the Valkyries into battle. The Celts believed that the wolf was a powerful symbol of lunar power. Celtic lore taught that every night the wolf would hunt down the sun and devour it so that the moon could make its appearance. Lastly, in Chinese mythology, wolves are said to guard the gates to the heavenly realms as well as being descendants of Genghis Khan. That would make family reunions a very interesting event indeed!

When a wolf appears in our lives as a totem, it implores us to ask several questions about the path our lives are taking. Am I looking into a new form of education? Am I being a true friend, or are my friends being true to me? Am I communicating myself clearly to others? Am I being loyal to myself or others? Am I putting thought and strategy into my plans and goals? Am I spending enough quality time with my friends, family, and myself? These are just a few of the many reasons a wolf might appear as a totem animal.

Wolves are considered by many to be the highest being on the spiritual plane and each color of the wolf teaches a different thing to different people. The white wolf lives in both the spiritual plane as well as the physical and teaches the lessons we need to learn in order for us to bring our life into balance. White Wolves help us build a bridge between the two places so we can live a balanced life. The brown wolf teaches lessons of health, healing, and how to use nature in conjunction with medicine to heal as well as maintain balance between body, mind, and spirit. The grey wolf teaches lessons of the hidden. Spirit communication as well as reaching our spirit guides and teachers are all taught by the grey wolf. The red wolves are the keepers of nature and teach us how to connect with our natures, with nature itself, and our surroundings. Finally, the black wolves are the teachers of the physical and teach us how to balance our physical natures, desires, and expressions of our daily lives.

All in all, we have a lot we can learn from this beautiful creature, and when they come to us, we should heed their lessons. Welcome them into your lives, and you can learn amazing things from them.

Photo By Anncam