Pagan Forest Magazine July/August 2014 | Page 64

Spirit Talk with Jessica Kendall

Mind, Body, Soul, and Everything Inbetween


The questions I get the most usually have to do with wanting to know if one is doing a ritual correctly, how to do certain spells, rituals, and energy work, or inquiring about the right tools to use and such. The thing I would like everyone to know is that this knowledge is already within you. The trick is to make sure that your will and intent are in line with each other. The tools, from the herbs used to the items on your altar, are simply that -- tools to help keep your will and intent in line with one another. The tools help you to focus your intent and fuel your will. That is all. So, if you feel you must use a red candle instead of what others use, then go ahead and use it! That voice you hear saying, “I need a red candle,” is part of your Akashic knowledge (a concept from Theosophists that Akashic knowledge is universal knowledge of all humans who lived upon the earth and is usually tapped into through by medium practices, meditation, yoga, pranayama, prayer, visualization or spiritual connections). This knowledge is more than recorded events; it contains every thought, intent, deed, word, feeling that happened at any time, all over the world. This knowledge is available to us all, no matter what tradition you follow. summarizes; “Those who champion the truth of the Akashic Records assert that they were accessed by ancient people of various cultures, including the Indians, Moors, Tibetans, Bonpo and other peoples of the Himalaya, Egyptians, Persians, Chaldeans, Greeks, Chinese, Hebrews, Christians, Druids and Mayans.” Although many different cultures and traditions like to make claims to the origin of Akashic knowledge, it is my theory (along with many others) that this knowledge was began during the start of our universe (or what some would say the start of creation) and all scientist, anthropologist, theologists, ancient people ect. (like Nostradamus, Sujujin, Tajao, Charles Webster Leadbeater, Annie Besant, Ervin Laszlo; only to name a few), who claim to have accessed this knowledge using the ancient practices stated above to gain all the truths we hold so dear today and try to prove so feverishly. So, listen to yourself first before you write off what that ancient knowledge is trying to tell you.

Sometimes, when our emotions are off, we begin to doubt this Akashic knowledge that is so readily available to each and every one of us. There are many studies coming out in the medical community about the connections between our bodies and our mind. Most believe that our anxieties, worries, and nerves are only felt within the brain. However, our nervous system lives within our bellies and produces about 95% of our serotonin (which is also responsible for your digestion and helps with happiness). I found this process explained by author Lisa Sarasohn in "The Woman’s Belly Book", on;

“Your gut brain doesn't share its abundant supply of serotonin with your cranial brain, but its serotonin does influence the cranial brain by stimulating the tenth cranial nerve (also known as the vagus nerve). This nerve descends from the cranial brain stem through the neck to the abdomen, allowing for two-way talk between the gut and cranial brains. The gut is the chatty one, sending up nine nerve impulses for everyone it receives in return. Even with all this checking in, the enteric nervous system in the gut can operate largely independently of the cranial brain — making its own