Pagan Forest Magazine July/August 2014 | Page 40


August Reading

General Theme: Connection, Reward

January: Isa is the January rune. Isa warns of a challenge or frustration and of something getting in the way of your plans. Challenges, however, can be overcome and, through overcoming them, personal growth occurs. Look to the positive. The outcome and the path over the challenge will become clear. Focus and persevere, and good things will come. The wait you took last month has left you prepared for what is to come. Don’t back down from the challenge that awaits.

February: Eihwaz is February’s rune, and this rune tells of a big self-motivated change to come. This change is likely to come from meditation and self-reflection. Take strength in the knowledge that you are not alone in this change. Take your time in reflecting; don’t jump into this change without giving it some serious thought. Don’t lose your momentum from last month’s moving forward and let it carry you through this time of change.

March: March’s rune is Kennaz. This rune speaks of happiness and realizations. The changes you’ve experienced from last month have come to fruition or are nearing their end, and the realization that these changes have a positive ending come with it. Take a moment to meditate on the path that this choice has set you on, and take another moment to meditate on the future this path has you working to. Enjoy your happiness. Take a moment to connect with someone you haven’t heard from in a while. They say a smile is the most infectious thing in the world, so spread them around!

April: The blank Wyrd rune is April’s rune. This rune represents free will and the ability to carve your own destiny. It speaks of creativity and inspiration, as well as the realization that you have the power to rule your life and take whatever path you wish. You are the writer and you hold the pen, so take the path you wish and let nothing hold you back! The happiness and peace from last month surely has brought you to this point, and all you can do is move forward.

May: Dagaz is the rune of May, which is the rune of satisfaction and positive outcome. The change that started last month has come to pass, and, with it, a good direction has been taken. There are signs that this small change will cause many other small changes to come with it, and a new direction is being taken in your life. Let the changes come.

June: Berkana is June’s rune and speaks of a new beginning. The change that happened during last month has come and passed, and, with that, comes the beginning of something new and exciting. Creativity and inspiration will find you, a blessing from above for getting through your change will be upon you, and, since things happen in threes, happiness will surely be with you.

July: Thurisaz is the rune of July, and it tells of triumph. The energy you invested last month has allowed you to triumph over adversity. This could be as simple as an issue at home or something grand like competing over a job promotion. Ride the high of winning, and allow it to raise your spirits. You earned this feeling of accomplishment, so reap the benefits of what you have worked for. Be prepared for a change in the future.