Pagan Forest Magazine July/August 2014 | Page 17


If you’re looking to decorate your home in honor of Lughnasadh, there’s quite a few things you could put up. Sickles and scythes are the obvious choices, as well as grain and wheat, summer vegetables, and fruits like plums and peaches. For grain, you can use sheaves of wheat, bowls of oats, etc. Corn dolls made out of dried corn husks are another great decoration for this Pagan celebration. Or you could put something up on the walls related to skills and craftsmanship, like a poem or a picture you’ve drawn to honor the God Lugh. Let your creativity loose in crafting your holiday decorations.

You might like to try this Lughnasadh game which uses Nerf Darts. Set up a target on a wall, or on the ground if you’re going to be doing this outside. Players shoot their darts at the target (using different colors to avoid confusion), aiming for the middle of the target, or as close as possible. Another game to play with kids (if you have them of course) is “jousting” with pool noodles. One could make designing “armor” for the event a family project. Arm wrestling is another contest engaged in during the Tailltean games. These would be fun ways honor the deities, and teach kids about them. Crafts are always welcome with the God of craftsmen!

If you’re a solitary Pagan, do not fret! There’s plenty of ways to get in the spirit of the games. Archery could be an interesting hobby to take up, and there are facilities made just for it. Or, you could set up targets in your yard as long as proper safety measures are taken. Taking up a new craft is also an option. Give yourself some time to think it through, and you can come up with your own traditions for this special day!