Paesaggio Urbano 03.2013 | Page 20

SOSTENIBILITÀ · Sustainability Il Premio Internazionale Architettura Sostenibile compie dieci anni. L’iniziativa fondata nel 2003 dal Dipartimento di Architettura dell’Università degli Studi di Ferrara e dall’azienda Fassa Bortolo vuole incentivare e promuovere architetture (costruite o elaborate in tesi di laurea, dottorato e specializzazione) che sappiano rapportarsi in maniera equilibrata con l’ambiente, che siano pensate per le necessità dell’uomo e che siano capaci di soddisfare i bisogni delle nostre generazioni senza limitare, con il consumo indiscriminato di risorse e l’inquinamento prodotto, quello delle generazioni future. La crescita dell’iniziativa è stata esponenziale, un decennio che ha visto il Premio arricchirsi anno dopo anno di partecipanti sempre crescenti in numero e internazionalità. La manifestazione è infatti negli anni riuscita ad attrarre tra i suoi iscritti alcuni importanti nomi del panorama mondiale come Dominique Parrault, Baumschlager & Eberle, Sauerbruch Hutton, Eduardo Souto de Moura, Kengo Kuma, Shigeru Ban, Christoph Ingenhoven, Georg Reinberg, Alejandro Aravena, Philippe Samyn, Diener & Diener, solo per citare i più famosi. Anche i nomi dei giurati che si sono susseguiti in questa decade densa di progetti sono di altissimo valore e vanno a formare una community rimasta vicina alla manifestazione con l’apporto di contributi e spunti culturali legati alla divulgazione dell’architettura sostenibile. Tra questi troviamo nomi del calibro di Thomas Herzog, Francisco Mangado, Francine Houben, Françoise Hélène Jourda, Sir Michael Hopkins, Juhani Pallasmaa, Alexandros Tombazis, Wilfried Wang, Hermann Kaufmann, Matteo Thun, Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi, Brian Ford, Mario Cucinella. La forza propulsiva della manifestazione sta proprio nell’indipendenza dei giurati dallo sponsor che si limita ad un ruolo di secondo piano mantenendo da anni un atteggiamento neutrale che enfatizza l’obiettività delle decisioni. L’unico criterio di scelta è sempre stato premiare un’architettura di alta qualità a livello internazionale tenendo conto della collocazione, del compito e dell’utilizzo dei mezzi sostenibili. The International Prize for Sustainable Architecture celebrates ten years. The initiative, launched in 2003, conceived and promoted by the University of Ferrara's Department of Architecture and Fassa Bortolo, aims at supporting and promoting all those initiatives in architecture that take into proper consideration the environment, that focus on human needs, that satisfy our generations' necessities without limiting, polluting and mindlessly consuming future generations' resources. The growth of the initiative has been exponential: after a doubtful beginning, also due to the fact that in Italy, 18 paesaggio urbano 3.2013 ten years ago, sustainable architecture was not considered a key issue in architecture, year after year the Prize has involved a growing number of international participants. Such an initiative has collected the interest and participation of world famous professionals, like Dominique Parrault, Baumschlager & Eberle, Sauerbruch Hutton, Eduardo Souto de Moura, Kengo Kuma, Shigeru Ban, Christoph Ingenhoven, Georg Reinberg, Alejandro Aravena, Philippe Samyn, Diener & Diener, just to mention a few. Also the board and the jury have followed such a growth in fame and today past participants form a community which is close to the initiative and supports it with various contribution and inspires new ideas in the field of sustainable architecture. Thomas Herzog, Francisco Mangado, Francine Houben, Françoise Hélène Jourda, Sir Michael Hopkins, Juhani Pallasmaa, Alexandros Tombazis, Wilfried Wang, Hermann Kaufmann, Matteo Thun, Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi, Brian Ford, Mario Cucinella are just a few names of the aforementioned supporters. The strength of the initiative also lies in the board's full independence from the official sponsor, which has always maintained a neutral attitude focusing on the objectivity of the decision. The sponsor's one and only requirement is to award the prize to those international high quality initiatives in architecture taking into consideration projects' location, aims and materials' sustainability. Board's members are different every year in order to make sure that decisions are neutral and to avoid any influence or interference with specific styles or trends, so that awarded solutions can not be based on any bias regarding the types of projects, their destinations, the materials or the str uctural engineering systems. The board is composed by professionals with very different cultural backgrounds; they come from diverse places and from different climatic areas to grant the widest range of views and experiences and to promote an informed and balanced evaluation of the projects. The number of very different contributions that in the past few years have come from every part of the world proves an important fact: the solutions and the submitted projects reflect new goals, an individual approach that mirrors the local realities, an approach which is far from the 'international style' in its expressions. Local initiatives, permanently tied to the geographic, topographic, environmental and climatic context can show new approaches to