Paesaggio Urbano 02.2013 | Page 8

BALZANI esigenze delle comunità locali che dovranno essere ascoltate e comprese. Ma nello sfondo di una ricostruzione diffusa del territorio di pianura appare altrettanto cogente il riflesso verso tutte quelle altre realtà della regione e dell’Italia non colpite ma che condividono i medesimi modelli di progetto e di processo realizzativo così intrisi di tanta ingannevole sicurezza: § L’inganno emerge nelle qualità dei materiali, nelle semplificazioni di messa in opera, nella perdita di attenzione al dettaglio, nella ridotta integrazione tra attori professionali del progetto e attori imprenditori della realizzazione con ovvie mancanze di trasparenza durante la messa in luce dei conflitti (tipologici, morfologico-architettonici, strutturali, impiantistici). “Nothing is built on stone, everything on sand, but our duty is to build as if sand were stone”. Jorge Luis Borges, Apocryphal Gospel, in “Elogio de la sombra”, 1969 Architecture is the core of the 20th edition of Restauro to encourage discussions, suggestions, developments and implementations through safe and sustainable projects (to renovate, restore and reuse) on the background of the postearthquake rebuilding process. “Nothing is built on stone, everything on sand, but our duty is to build as if sand were stone…”. It’s fragment 41 of Jorge Luis Borges’ Apocryphal Gospel, part of the stunning collection called Elogio de la sombra published in 1969. What does this mean? What do the cruel limits of human actions mean? And what do the conscious questioning and moving within the metaphor of Dante’s contrappasso mean, for architects? Borges reverses the Gospel of Matthew’s Sermon of the mount, which includes the famous Beatitudes, to prove how his secular moral, so disenchanted and filled with a serene stoicism, can be celebrated in a pantheon with few comforting statues, yet also with limited deceit. And this is the key issue. Deceit. The deceit caused by ignorance, by the loss of values, skills, models and processes that can give a sense and a meaning to the project’s role and, therefore, to the profession of the architect. And I write ignorance not to write something worse. Nothing like an earthquake, experienced in one’s land, reveals the urge to undeceive. We see a sight we did not want to see and it seems as if the Argentinian poet’s fragment went deep into our flesh: a scalpel seeking for another meaning. 6 paesaggio urbano 2.2013 Today we face a huge opportunity to understand (and to learn) and therefore to get back to our roles. These past months, in Emilia and in the nearby areas, a lot has been done to start the productive proces