Oxfordshire, the place to marry Oxfordshire 2017 | Page 47

S P E C I A L F E AT U R E S Relax, relax BEAUTIFUL HAIR AND SKIN CAN BE ACHIEVED MORE EASILY IF YOUR BODY IS NOT UNDER CONSTANT STRESS. EASIER SAID THAN DONE, WE REALISE, WHEN YOU ARE TRYING TO CO-ORDINATE THE BIGGEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE! HOWEVER, THERE ARE SIMPLE STEPS TO TAKE TO TRY TO KEEP YOU CALM, BOTH IN MIND AND BODY: Aromatherapy: No matter what is going on around you, aromatherapy can help reduce tension and induce relaxation. Lavender is the oil of choice for combating stress, insomnia, digestive problems, nervous headaches and depression, while Ylang Ylang, best known for its aphrodisiac qualities, also uplifts and brings a sense of well-being. Diet: If you find yourself running around like a mad thing and unable to calm down, you might be getting too much caffeine. Replace tea, coffee and cola with herbal teas, fruit juices and mineral water. Incorporating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables into your diet will not only boost your metabolism but will also feed your skin, giving it that wonderful glow. www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/registration Finally, whenever you feel a slump coming on, reach for a glass of water. Fatigue is often caused by mild dehydration so always keep a glass of water nearby to keep your energy levels high and your skin beautifully moisturised. Sleep: In the old days, sleep deprivation was a form of torture (it still is, if you ask any exhausted mother). Try to get your eight hours a night to rest your body and mind in between hectic days. If you find dropping off to sleep difficult, a warm bath with lavender oil often helps, or rent or buy a meditation or relaxation CD, which will help your stress levels overall. 43