Oxfordshire Baby & Parenting Guide | Page 5

1 Welcome TO THE OXFORDSHIRE BABY AND PARENTING GUIDE Becoming a parent is a learning experience ... on the one hand, you’re welcoming an amazing little person into the world, which is both a wonderful and unforgettable achievement. On the other, it can also be a bewildering time as you try to get to know the newest addition to your family. Why is your son crying? Is your daughter hungry? And how can anyone survive on such little sleep? Everyone in this publication has been through the experience. We can share the joy of having a child and sympathise with the worries that being a parent naturally brings. After all, they do say that children don’t come with instruction manuals so it’s only natural to feel you’re constantly finding your feet. However, we hope that the features in this publication will help to provide you with appropriate information and support on some of the issues of raising a child, particularly in the first year. You will find information if you have problems or if you just want to know how to make new friends and get out more. Becoming a parent doesn’t mean losing your life as you used to know it. It’s just the start of a different and exciting stage. We hope this will help you to embark on that journey and beyond. Jacquie Bugeja Head of Oxfordshire Registration Service