Oxfordshire Baby & Parenting Guide | Page 13

9 Sexual health • Sex may be the last thing on mum’s mind after giving birth but unless you are planning your next baby immediately, thinking about contraception is important. It’s also good for parents to know their STI and HIV status • www.sexualhealthoxfordshire.nhs. uk has a range of clinic locations and opening hours across the county offering a full range of contraception choices as well as STI and HIV testing • Ensuring you keep up to date with your cervical screening (smear test) is also important. It tests the health of the cervix and checks for abnormalities. Contact your GP surgery to make an appointment or to find out when your next one is due. Alcohol, drugs & smoking • Limiting the amount of alcohol we drink is good for our physical health and mental wellbeing • 3-4 units of alcohol a day for men (e.g. a pint and a half of 4% beer) • 2-3 units for women (e.g. 175 ml glass of wine), although this should be none if you are breastfeeding • Using illicit drugs may impair your ability to take care of your baby and yourself. It can also cause physical harm • If you would like support around alcohol or drug use telephone the drugs and alcohol information line on 01865 403261 • Smoking is not only harmful to yourself but also to your baby through second hand smoke. See the smoking advice on page 43 for more details. FURTHER INFORMATION For more information on any of the above topics and services available within Oxfordshire visit: www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/publichealth