Ownit Magazine #MAY-JUNE 2018 | Page 19

The Evolution of Consciousness
Are You Questioning Everything Lately?
Have you noticed lately you’re questioning everything, from education systems and corporations to the 9 to 5 life and the meaning of your life, and/or that you’re trying to figure out a way to make a differenc
Congratulations! You’ve now entered level two of the evolution of consciousness, the Culture Hacker phase. Your life will never be the same again for you’ve just started hacking your limiting beliefs to fill your mind with empowering thoughts, regaining your power, and bending your reality.

Vishen Lakhiani, the founder of Mindvalley.com, will explain it to you in his video (see above). He and his company are ambitiously determined to push humanity forward by empowering their audience to live healthier and happier lives and to unleash their fullest potential — to be extraordinary. How? Nelson Mandela affirmed it: with the most powerful tool of all — education. They want to change education globally and provide innovative, holistic training for all levels — from infant learning and high school models to all stages of adulthood. Their ultimate goal? To launch a school of growth and humanity for a billion people.

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