Ownit Magazine #MARCH-APRIL 2018 | Page 34

I've not finished the book just yet, but I must say it has brought me a lot of insights already. An important one is that every time Ownit Magazine is out and published, I can wait for that voice to bog me down. It will keep me wondering why I started the damn magazine and why I am putting myself through all this anxiety and discomfort … for WHAT? Thinking this is my ego calling me back to my comfort zone where it is safe, I learned from this book that every human has a self-imposed upper limit of "success" we allow ourselves, and if we exceed that upper limit, we will do something to get us right back to our model of success or non-success. Gay Hendricks highlights four hidden barriers:
1: Feeling Fundamentally Flawed
2: Disloyalty and Abandonment
3: Believing That More Success Brings a Bigger Burden
4: The Crime of Outshining

The Big Leap aims to help you to spend as much time as possible in your Zone of Genius.
As part of that journey of moving from Excellence to Genius, Gay suggests an ultimate success mantra that you should say:

"I expand abundance, success, and love every day,
as I inspire those around me to do the same."

Keywords: women success magazine, own it, ownit, the big leap book review, potential, authentic, magazine, online magazine, potential magazine, courage inspire, lead, leadership, act, action, impact, success, women, magazine, online, success magazine, successful, succeed, true success, power, women power, woman power, women success magazine, authentic, authenticity, successful women
emagazine, greatness