Ownit Magazine #JULY-AUGUST 2018 | Page 34

Book tip

“For all of us the journey proceeds one step at a time, and the path of conscious living opens before us one breath at a time.” says the author of Conscious Living, Gay Hendricks. This book has made a profound impression on me especially the part where he talks about three different ways to realize your goals, or rather how you want to live your life or manifest what you have in mind. The first way he calls Newtonian Manifestation: you think up how you’d like your life to be, then you beam your chosen goals into the future with the power of your mind. That is what we do when we visualize our goals with a mood board or write down our ideal day or specific goals. The second kind of manifestation is the Einsteinian manifestation: you love and appreciate things the way they are. The act of loving them transforms them, and you begin to move in a direction that will bring you more of what you want and need in your life. In the Third way, you let go of pushing with your will and open to being supported effortlessly by the universe. You relax into your organic union with all creation, and by acknowledging your connection with the infinite creation and infinite abundance, you allow yourself to be always in the right place at the right time for your maximum unfoldment to take place.

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