Overture Magazine: 2016-2017 Season March-April 2017 | Page 23

Sing-A-Long Lyrics :
Sweet Rosie O ’ Grady
Sweet Rosie O ’ Grady My dear little Rose She ’ s my steady lady Most everyone knows .
And when we ’ re married How happy we ’ ll be I love sweet Rosie O ’ Grady And Rosie O ’ Grady loves me !
“ H ” “ A ” double “ R ” “ I ” “ G ” “ A ” “ N ” spells Harrigan . Proud of all the Irish blood that ’ s in me Divil a man can say a word agin ’ me .
“ H ” “ A ” double “ R ” “ I ” “ G ” “ A ” “ N ” you see . Is a name that a shame Never has been connected with “ Harrigan .” That ’ s me !
Photo by Broadmead resident : Erroll Hay
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Michael Tammaro
When Irish Eyes are Smiling
When Irish eyes are smiling Sure its like a morn in spring In the lilt of Irish laughter You can hear the angels sing .
When Irish hearts are happy All the world seems bright and gay And when Irish eyes are smiling Sure they steal your heart away !
Jack Everly
Jack Everly is the principal pops conductor of the Indianapolis and Baltimore Symphony Orchestras , Naples Philharmonic Orchestra and the National Arts Centre Orchestra ( Ottawa ). He has conducted the Los Angeles Philharmonic at the Hollywood Bowl , The New York Pops at Carnegie Hall and appears regularly with The Cleveland Orchestra at Blossom Music Center . This season Maestro Everly will conduct over 90 performances in more than 20 North American cities .

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March – APRIL 2017 | Overture 21