Overture Magazine: 2016-2017 Season Holiday 2016 | Page 14

All concerts at Peabody are now FREE !

All concerts at Peabody are now FREE !

including :
• Peabody Conductor ’ s Orchestra Wednesday , November 30 at 7:00 pm
with graduate conducting students under the instruction of Marin Alsop including works by Brahms , Mozart , and Tchaikovsky
• Peabody Concert Orchestra , Peabody Singers , and Peabody-Hopkins Chorus Tuesday , December 6 at 8:00 pm
with conductor Edward Polochick including works by Ralph Vaughn Williams and Dvořák
Reserve seats at peabody . jhu . edu / events or by calling 667-208-6620 .

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眀眀眀 ⸀ 琀漀眀猀漀渀 ⸀ 攀搀甀⼀漀猀栀攀爀 more than 1,000 people attended , and for the first time Messiah enjoyed a London triumph . From then on , annual performances during the Lenten season became a London tradition , soon spreading throughout Europe . Now Handel was finally acknowledged as England ’ s leading musical citizen , and he lived long enough — until 1759 — to be able to savor the success of the work he loved so dearly .
Messiah was introduced to the world in Dublin , Ireland on April 13 , 1743 , during Holy Week .
Listening to Messiah Messiah ’ s heroic journey is divided into three parts . Part I revolves around the Old Testament prophecies ( emphasizing the Book of Isaiah ) of the Messiah ’ s coming and culminates with his birth as told in the Gospel of Luke . Indeed more of Messiah ’ s text is drawn from the Old Testament than the New , and , apart from the Nativity story , the Gospel histories are seldom used . Thus , the emphasis falls on the broader meaning of Christ ’ s redemption of the human race rather than on the details of Jesus ’ life .
Part II meditates on human sinfulness , the Messiah ’ s rejection and suffering , and his sacrifice to redeem humankind ; it concludes with that famous song of praise and triumph , the “ Hallelujah ” Chorus . Finally moving into the New Testament , Part III tells of the Messiah ’ s vanquishing of death and the promise of everlasting joy for the believer .
Handel did not leave behind a definitive version of Messiah . Instead , he reworked numbers and re-assigned arias to different voice categories depending on the soloists available for each performance . Messiah ’ s solo sections are divided between recitatives , which place greater emphasis on delivery of the words , and arias , in which musical values and the showcasing of the singer ’ s technical prowess take precedence . The tenor ’ s two opening numbers are a
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