Outreach June 2014 | Page 7

Why We Chose this Outreach

Me and my friend chose this particular outreach because our classmates had piles of toys at home. We figured that we could donate the toys to Value Village so they could give the poor and needy children a toy for Christmas. Plus, since we are kids it is easy for us to give toys because we have them.

How Our Class Helped

Our class helped by voting and donating. They voted for the place we would give the toys, either to Sick Kids or to Value Village. The class chose Value Village because they found out that Sick Kids doesn't take old and used toys. As I said before the class also helped by donating some toys. The class members helped me sort the toys according to age and gender so it would be easier for the store to set out the toys. A good part was that I was not alone. I had my partner, Eimaan, help me do everything.