Outer Edge | Page 16

“ I ’ m going on an adventure ” quoted by Bilbo Baggins , in Peter Jackson ’ s 2012 epic fantasy adventure film The Hobbit : an unexpected journey , has often been used to describe fun filled missions to the local shops ( usually while inebriated ), long distance road trips with mates and , as in the movie , a trip of self discovery which will most likely only happen once in a lifetime . Our recent adventure within Back Creek Canyon , which is nestled in the lush green subtropical rainforest of South East Queensland , with my 11-year son Max , fell fully into the movie description .
It all started with a comment from my better half suggesting I needed to spend more time with our prepubescent son to get to know him better and to get him away from the Xbox , IPad , fridge repeat cycle . I have always loved the outdoors and I thought this might be an ideal chance to imbue Max with similar feelings of nature . Holidaying in SE QLD , we were a little spoilt for choice , beach , bush walking , swimming holes etc , however , we had done those activities before an I wanted us to experience something new and different . After quick search of local adventure companies in the Brisbane area , I decided that with Graham and Kelly from Green Frog Adventures would be the right mix of adventure and nature that I was after , and after a quick call to their team , a long day Canyoning adventure was booked .
Not knowing exactly what canyoning was , I referred to YouTube to search for Back Creek Canyon . The search results came up and an adventure of epic proportions ( well for my son and I ), looked to be on the cards with abseiling through waterfalls , bounding over boulders and logs , jumping into rock pools and trekking through spectacular rainforest – all within two hours from Brisbane ! Who would have thought ?
On the day , Max and I turned up to the little scenic reserve just outside Canungra with the advised equipment and clothing – notably , comfortable clothing and footwear that could get wet was essential . We met Graham and Kelly and commenced a safety brief followed by equipment issue and a lesson in abseiling . Then we were off … We were going on an adventure ! After a short walk down the creek , we came to the first abseil , straight down through a waterfall . This was the point at which I thought , “…. Maybe this is a bit much for us , may be I should have just taken Max to the beach .” I mean , looking over the edge made me feel apprehensive . Graham and Kelly were fantastic . They were a professional team with our experience and safety at the forefront of all their actions . So we both completed the first abseil and the feeling is indescribable . It was a mix between
“ We are both going to die – how am I going to tell his mother ” and ‘ OMG we are Alive and this is the most awesome thing ever !’
We walked down the creek a little further , climbing , bum sliding and jumping over rocks that ranged from the size of a small car to some easily bigger than our house and came across a beautiful sun bathed pool … 3m below us . Without a word , Kelly jumped straight in and called for us to follow . Max had no hesitations and leapt straight in . I had to follow , didn ’ t need him to see me baulking . It was over quickly and we sat down to some lunch with a little more swimming in the pool . Max found a way back up to the top of the jump and continued with 2-3 more leaps each with louder shrieks of joy . I had to give it to him ; at least he was out of the house and enjoying the outdoors .
After lunch was a short rock hop to the next abseil , which was much easier than the first . Perhaps it was because there was no waterfall flowing endlessly into your face this time . The last obstacle was what I can only describe as the most difficult decision I have ever had to make in my adult / parenting life , and I will keep it a surprise for those that also choose to embark on their own adventures . But needless to say , both Max and I came out unscathed and a lot closer as Father and Son .
From here we found the exit and commenced the bush walk back the car . On the walk out , I got to reflecting on the day and our adventure . I surmised that this was exactly what my amazing wife had wanted , her tubby hubby and her boy to reconnect and have our own little adventure . But I also thought how this exact activity would be an amazing way for anyone to bring a group of people together , from a sporting club , or small business to a corporation . Being able to identify individual ’ s strengths and weaknesses as well as individual stress reactions within yourself and your team are invaluable tools to have to help your team grow .
I thought it was just a catch cry , but the Green Frog Adventures motto – ‘ Outside your comfort zone is where the magic happens ’ is exactly true . If Max and I hadn ’ t gone out on our adventure , just like Bilbo Baggins , wouldn ’ t have found our self discovery as well as a shared love of the outdoors . I can ’ t thank Graham and Kelly enough .
They are passionate about providing a professional , unique , customer focused experience for a very reasonable price . If you are in the Brisbane / Gold coast area , do yourself a favour and give them a call , you will not forget or regret it .
www . greenfrogadventures . com . au