Out of the Woodwork June/July 2015 | Page 47

Episode 3

Robbie woke up to the sound of absolute chaos and screaming. Looming grey, black and brown figures were ripping the train apart and stealing the children. They moved with incredible speed. Robbie saw one of the guards slumped against the door, his throat torn out. A woman approached Robbie and Kara. She was unlike any woman Robbie had seen before. She was slightly tall with slim features mostly covered in fur pelts and leather. Her face was strong and her nose was slightly wide, her lips were full and red. The charcoal smeared under her eyes made her look frightening. The feathers and small bone beads braided into her dark brown hair made her look like a huntress. A crown of blue-green stones and silver wire sat on her head. Robbie was drawn to her eyes, which were blue like his, but much more fierce. She raised both hands to chest level and interlocked her index fingers, rotated each hand over and interlocked again. Kara did the same mouthing, "friend.” Robbie wanted to ask if Kara knew the woman but he didn’t know how to make the words with his hands. He would need to learn or find paper and a pencil. The woman nodded and one of the beasts snatched up Robbie in a blink. The beast was covered in fur and hunched over on two legs. Robbie could hear the wild breathing of the creature that reminded him of panting. The creature smelled like a dog. He was afraid to look up into its face. Robbie bounced up and down in the large furry arms that cradled him. He looked back over the hairy shoulder to see the train, smoking and wreckage strewn around the tracks. He heard the sound of four feet galloping. When he turned back around he saw the woman and Kara riding a large grey wolf. He also saw the face of the creature carrying him, it was a creature he had heard about in stories where children went into the woods and were found later as bones, it was a Werewolf.

Episode 4

Sophie was standing guard outside the entrance of the tent. Nadia ducked through the entrance. Nadia happened to be Sophie’s “first mate” and best friend. They were all a family pack, but there was an order of superiority. Sophie was on top and Nadia was right below her. Nadia stood at attention and gave her report in a hushed voice.