Out of the Woodwork June/July 2015 | Page 45

what great writers always do: he shows humanity as it is. He grapples with the only issue that matters: what does it mean to be human? Anyone who’s ever asked that best read Eden West. My only complaint: it was too short.

Very Good lives by JK rowling

nonfiction, inspirational

With her world-renown Harry Potter series, and even her recent crime series Cormoran Strikes, J.K. Rowling has dominated the realm of fiction literature. More recently, however, she has thrown her toes into the oceanic realm of nonfiction with her book Very Good Lives. Anyone familiar with her 2008 Harvard commencement address will enjoy this pocket-sized book—it’s simply a reprinting of that speech.

Much like This is Water is a typed and bound version of David Foster Wallace’s mesmerizing Kenyon College commencement address, Very Good Lives retells, word-by-word, everything J.K. Rowling mused that June day at Harvard in 2008

. But never one looking to make an easy dollar by leeching off her fame, Rowling’s book perpetuates the philanthropy entirely characteristic of Rowling herself. Sales from Very Good Lives go towards benefiting a non-profit organization against child institutionalization as well as toward Harvard University’s financial aid program. So if you like commencement speeches, J.K. Rowling, or helping out a worldwide charity, then Very Good Lives is for you.