Out of School Care Handbook 2018 | Page 8

Before School Care Vacation Care and Student Free Days Breakfast is served between 7.00am and 8.00am. There is a choice of cereal, toast and a daily special as per the weekly program. The format for service is hotel buffet style where the children serve themselves, developing independent and culinary skills. The Centre is open from 7.00am until 6.00pm. Breakfast is served between 7.00am and 8.00pm. Morning tea is provided at approximately 10.00am (can vary dependent upon excursion/incursion times) whilst afternoon tea is served from 3.00pm. Lunch time is 12.30pm. Parents/Carers are to provide their child/ren’s lunch, unless stated otherwise on the program. Activities are planned as with term time and are guided by the children. At 8.00am children in year 4 and above can leave for their classrooms. The Kindy to Year 3 children are supervised to their areas by Centre staff at 8.15am. After School Care 8 Children arrive at the Centre and sit in the verandah area for their afternoon tea. This is served until 3.30pm. The weekly program shows the menu which is served alongside fresh fruit or vegetables. The Centre is committed to providing healthy, home cooked foods and nutritious snacks. This is considered as an important social occasion for the children and they are all encouraged to try new foods and chat with their friends. Once finished afternoon tea, the children can choose what they would like to do from the wide range of activities available. The Curriculum plan is designed to provide a guide for the opportunities presented to the children and covers 7 areas. This is on the parent noticeboard and is devised weekly with input from the children. Parents/Carers are asked to inform the Centre if their child is enrolled in any after school club or sporting activity which may mean they arrive at the Centre later. Dietary Requirements Parents/Carers are required to make mention of any dietary requirements upon enrolment of their child/ren. These are taken into consideration when planning and preparing all meals. Parents are welcome to provide their own food if they would rather. The Centre is a nut friendly service so parents should not send nuts or nut based products with their children. Dress Requirements During term time the children remain in their school uniforms. Aprons are provided for any messy play. Hats must be worn by all children when outside. These are provided. Hats are treated daily according to the Australian Government Guidelines for Communicable Diseases in respect of head lice. Please ask the Centre Coordinator any questions you may have. Special Events The Centre celebrates special events which happen throughout the year such as Christmas and Easter. As part of our curriculum in diversity and learning about other cultures,