Our Webazine Jan/Feb 2017 | Page 64

My Journey With An Allergy Suffering Dog

Dealing with rashes and itches is a long and stressful process.

The problem is that the skin is where the symptoms present but not necessarily where the cause is. Allergens weaken the internal system and when this is overloaded by several allergens, somewhere has to give and it’s usually the skin.

y journey started with my SPCA pup Coco, who developed severe skin allergies. The constant itching,

the intense rashes that spread over her body, and the vomiting that was happening more regularly, affected both my dog’s life and mine. By the time she was one and a half years old she had already been given 4 oral steroid courses, antibiotics and a number of topical steroid treatments. I hated seeing how the treatments prescribed affected her – the incontinence, the lethargy, the unquenchable thirst, and the mood changes! The major thing that made me find a natural treatment was the realisation that whenever I grabbed the Neotopic cream my dog would take off and hide in her kennel. This happened every time I went for the cream. I figured this must sting as it goes on the itchy broken pustules. Being into naturals for myself I thought there has to be something effective for my dog. I tried everything but nothing halted the itch, nor relieved her skin.

Allergens come in the form of:

Ingestion – foods – preservatives, additives,

processed foods, grains

Contact – plants (wandering dew) and

grasses, cleaning detergents, shampoos Environmental – pollens, dustmites.


Happy pets make happy owners it’s the Eezapet way

By Heather Murphy