Our Webazine April/May 2017 | Page 43

I find it the most incredible thing when someone tells me their 5 year old is having their first sleepover… really?! What the…. Seriously?!

I don’t get it – see to me it doesn’t just give me sanity to have a night off…

but it also teaches my child that

1. We will always come back with big hugs and happy faces

2. They are fine without us

Don’t get me wrong… I have no judgement… well, a little bit… I have to be honest. But in then end everyone needs to do what works for their family. I would never say to that family they should do it

differently – I just can’t grasp the thought…!

I think for me – I can’t even believe that not having your own life apart from the kids is something that people want to choose…

Is it because I never grew up craving to be a mother? Or craving to be married?

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