Our Sexuality! Magazine Spring 2017 | Page 42

There’s a lot of pressure on women regarding orgasms! Many articles, books, etc. can make a women feel inadequate. But the interesting thing is that woman are experiencing orgasm but because they did not receive proper sexuality educations, not in tune with their body or are often not informed on the various types of orgasms that she can experience, in her mind….she has not.

But wait…What exactly is an orgasm?

An orgasm is a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual response experienced at the height of sexual activity. Orgasm is also a biological release of chemicals and tension followed by pleasurable involuntary muscle contractions.

There are several types of orgasms a woman can experience: clitoral, vaginal, A-Spot G-spot, anal, full body, blended and multiple! I know you are probably thinking wait..I can have all those different types of orgasms? The answer is yes! Check out the description of the various types of orgasms on the following page.

Did I Just Come

How To Know The Different Types Of Orgasms

Written by: Dr. TaMara Griffin