Our Maine Street's Aroostook Issue 17 : Summer 2013 | Page 49

brary was culating liA.C. Paul. r when a ci s. s in 1881 several years by Mr ry wa ra run for n of a lib Brother st mentio.E. Seates and later e fir d at Jeff’s 2-8 pm. Th Mr. E was locate owned by he library as open daily from Clothing t 5 to1897 tw F.F. ars of 188on Main Street. I , it was moved to the ye During pany Jewelers In 1898 3. 7 books. d lasted until 191 om and C y contained 56 . olts an ua Society The librar , owned by C.E. H Chautauqonal course e ti ted by Th Company was initia followed an educad their books brary li men who ent of the disbande stablishm up of men and wo When the society The e a gro rary. tudy. They were regular course of s lp start a public lib see what and had a y were given to he as held to brary. A li meeting w and mone ed and a ute to help build ail such time as issu ontrib c warrant w year unt 4, a towney the town wouldas to continue each In 189 f mon d it w amount o 00 was voted on an sum of $2y became a reality. the librar SUMMER 2013 49