Our Maine Street's Aroostook Issue 16 : Spring 2013 | Page 48

CRG Insurance New Medicare Option is available all year long. If you pay more than $49 a month, call me today! We Specialize in: Medicare Supplemental and Medicare Advantage Plans & Part D Craig Green CRG Insurance 4 Epworth St Presque Isle, Me 207.762.6500 Q: I noticed the 6-pack of beer missing in my refrigerator. I have a feeling it was my child who took it. How do I find out if it was them? How can I talk to them about this? A: The fridge! The easiest place for kids to get alcohol. A lot of times parents don’t keep track of the amount of alcohol they have on hand and/or the amount that is gone or misplaced. So kudos to you for noticing! I think the best way to speak to your child about this is to just let them know that you realized there was alcohol missing. Just nonchalantly mention it at dinner or anytime that is convenient for you and your family, and again start a direct conversation with them. If you feel like you cannot trust your child then lock it up or put it somewheres you know they will not be able to get ]