Our Maine Street's Aroostook Issue 14 : Fall 2012 | Page 79

significant data that shows pets, especially cats, help ease stress and thereby reduce the risk of stress-related illness, including stroke. Research presented at the International Conference on Human/Animal Interactions found that, based on surveys from more than 11,000 people over a five-year period, pet owners made 15 – 20 percent fewer annual visits to the doctor because they experienced overall better health. for people who are shy, uncomfortable in public settings, or who have mental or physical conditions that otherwise limit their social skills. Additionally, there is profound evidence that interacting with animals directly, even when no other people are around, is a socially fulfilling experience. In one study from researchers in the United Kingdom, 87 percent of 50 – 60 year old women with breast cancer reported that their pet filled at least one important role in the social 3 support needed for their recovery.6 Numerous other studies have shown that people at a higher risk for feeling isolated, Psychological Well-being including older adults and people who live alone, feel a Like Willie, pets often serve as an important source much stronger sense of companionship and belonging of emotional support. For years, therapists have ‘prescribed when they have a pet to ‘talk’ to. pets’ to help people cope with and overcome mental health issues. “Pets have a soothing effect,” said Dr. Piper. “They Stay Well With Animals…Any Animals can reduce anxiety, ease depression, and improve attitude Interestingly, it doesn’t seem to matter if the animal just by their mere presence.” Without even realizing it, a you interact with has fur, feathers, gills, or scales – any person’s body physically reacts to interactions with animals. animal has the potential to improve your wellness according Playing, petting, snuggling, walking, or even just watching to reports from organizations such as the National Institute an animal elevates levels of serotonin and dopamine – the of Health, British Medical Journal, WebMD, and the nerve transmitters that are known to have pleasurable and Center for Disease Control. The greatest benefit is generally calming properties –and cortisol, the hormone associated derived from one’s own pet with which there is a personal with stress, is lowered.4 This natural response is one attachment. When choosing a pet, however, it is important explanation as to why pet owners tend to be happier people. to consider your lifestyle, needs, and ability to care for the A series of studies by psychologists at Miami University animal. If you are looking for a high energy exercise buddy, concluded that people who regularly interact with animals consider a greyhound or border collie. If you need a low have greater self-esteem, are more physically fit, less lonely, maintenance companion, rescue a cat from the shelter. more conscientious, less fearful, and overall fared better in If you want to create a low-stress environment, get a fish terms of well