Our Maine Street's Aroostook Issue 13 : Summer 2012 | Page 79

Healthy You: Health IQ by Kim Jones, Cary Medical Center IT’S ALL IN THE NUMBERS 1. A recent series of research studies in the UK have revealed that adulthood is actually closer to this age, not 18. ____________ 2. According to the American Heart Association, you should consume no more than 100 (for women) to 150 (for men) calories per day from sugar, or the equivalent of this many grams. ____________ 3. Americans spend this much money on healthcare each year – more than any other nation. ____________ 4. The maximum amount of unprotected sun exposure recommended is this many minutes. ____________ 5. Inside your body you have approximately this many miles of blood vessels. ____________ WHO SAID THAT? (Quote is followed by the birth and death date of the person quoted.) 6. “Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” (1706 - 1790) ____________ 7. “The first wealth is health.” (1803 - 1882) ____________ 8. “The part can never be well unless the whole is well.” (428 BC - 348 BC) ____________ 9. “The most important practical lesson than can be given to nurses is to teach them what to observe.” (1820 - 1910) ____________ 10. “Getting my lifelong weight struggle under control has come from a process of treating me as well as I treat others in every way.” (1954 - ) ____________ HEAD TO TOE 11. Every square inc¬h of skin on the human body has about 32 million of these on it. ____________ 12. If you have this blood type, it’s the most common in American. ____________ 13. As the largest organ in our body, this appendage has over 500 critical functions. 14. Look here for the only bone in the human body that is not connected to another bone. ____________ 15. If this organ didn’t create a new layer of mucus every three to four days it would digest itself. ____________ WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? 16. This phobia is more common than the fear of heights or even the fear of death. ____________ 17. For both men and women, this disease kills the largest number of Americans per year. ____________ 18. Health experts are calling this the “fastest growing disease in history”. ____________ 19. Featured in several television episodes of TLC’s “My Strange Addiction”, this eating disorder is marked by an appetite for non-food items such as dirt, paper, chalk, wood, and metal. ____________ 20. The risk of getting the most common chronic diseases, including heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes, can be significantly reduced by controlling these three factors. ____________ AROUND THE WORLD 21. The birthplace of yoga. ____________ 22. The world’s healthiest people live here. ____________ 23. Country with the oldest average population. ____________ 24. Site of the world’s first known hospital. ____________ 25. Country where the first human heart transplant was performed.____________ SUMMER 2012 79