Our Maine Street's Aroostook Issue 12 : Spring 2012 | Page 57

the Lions go roaring along…For the Lions go roaring along.” Oh yah, did we forget to mention that this year’s recipient of the 2012 Greater Fort Kent Area Chamber of Commerce Citizen of the Year Award is none other, than one of our own distinguished members? “ROAR LIONS! ROAR LIONS! ROAR LIONS!” Now there is a better way to receive your medications. I Care Pharmacy is your mail order discount pharmacy located in the Crown of Maine. Anthem clients, we can fill your 90-day maintenance prescriptions! MaineCare clients, you may be eligible for no co-pays. Always friendly and personal hometown service. It’s easy, affordable and proven! St 227 Main Street, Fort Fairfield, ME 888-422-7319 207-472-1302 www.i-carepharmacy.com Jerry’s Shurfine 63 Houlton St. Island Falls, ME 04747 207 463-2828 www.jerrysfoodstore.com John's Shurfine 182 Market St Fort Kent, ME 04743 207 834-5181 www.johnsshurfine.com